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Communicate with in a sentence

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Sentence count:180+4Posted:2016-08-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: communicatecommunicationtelecommunicationsincommunicadocooperate withcommunitymunicipallive with
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61. The answers will not only reveal her competence but give you an idea of how easy she is to communicate with.
62. They just would not communicate with the outside world for several days at a time.
63. A single neuron can communicate with as many as 50, 000 other nerve cells in this way.
64. She uses twitching and flicking movements of her sooty-black pelvic fins to communicate with the fry.
65. We had this feeling that we were not allowed to communicate with people.
66. The ability to communicate with the outside world proved to be the key to other, vital sponsorship.
67. In this modern environment, there is no need to communicate with anybody.
68. Ali was never allowed out, but managed to communicate with his brothers by shouting.
69. The host protocol lets the terminal server communicate with the computer systems on the network.
70. There are economies of scale to be made and you may want to communicate with others.
71. What now of the claims that other primates can communicate with systems in all important respects as complicated as ours?
72. Employees who work off-site are evaluated on their ability to work independently yet communicate with their team to meet goals.
73. NASA continues its efforts to communicate with intelligent beings in outer space.
74. In this way, the infant is not only learning to communicate with another person, but also to communicate about something.
75. They had eaten lunch together and told jokes together and slowly learned how to communicate with one another.
76. I also believed that these experiences enabled me to communicate with many different kinds of people, from many different backgrounds.
77. SPEs communicate with the outside world by using channels.
78. Responsible for communicate with tax bureau.
78. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
79. Communicate with customers about technical details and project implementation.
80. After the cathedra , lots of students crowded around Microsoft staffs and made best use of time to communicate with them face to face .
81. At these difficult times the most important thing is to try to communicate with a loving, vali dating, and approving attitude.
82. JMS is used, and message - oriented middleware to communicate with each other's application programming interface.
83. Honeybee is polyandry and eusocial-insect that they produce by colony fission and swarming who communicate with dancing and pheromone.
84. Tunneling (RFC 2893):It allows you to encapsulate one packet head into the other and one protocol will communicate with others through the encapsulation in the other protocol.
85. APPN also allows remote workstations to communicate with each other, without intervention by a central computer.
86. The network center equipment can communicate with the gateway byway of the network of ATM and MAN , and transfer the voice packets, and bill every call record.
87. The product collocate with webcams, so that, user can record their action, and communicate with friends and teacher by the real-time image.
88. An algorithm is proposed in order to guarantee that each processor maintains a set of loop-free paths through which it can communicate with the center.
89. This can help themselves from a closed state slowly back to a normal social status, but also increase their confidence to communicate with others.
90. Like Andrew Mellon on the eve of the Great Depression, Mr Paulson has struggled to communicate with, or understand the needs of, the common man.
More similar words: communicatecommunicationtelecommunicationsincommunicadocooperate withcommunitymunicipallive withcope withagree within line withkeep pace withmake peace withinterfere withfall in love withcatch up withindicatededicatedelicatein accordance withcomplicatedsophisticatedimmunemunitionsclinicalwithtechnicalironicallymechanicaldo with
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